Monday, July 1, 2013

The countdown is on to camp 2013!!!

Dear campers, families and friends,

The countdown to Camp Kivita 2013 has started -  there are less than 7 weeks until camp!!!!!!!!

We are getting so very excited for summer 2013 and are thrilled to report that there are now over 60 campers registered!!!

We will be updating this blog leading up to camp with news and to introduce you to your camp nursing and volunteer team. And of course once camp starts, you will once again be able to check here for pictures and exciting news stories from camp itself, as well as reflections from your leadership team on camp! Once again we will be posting pictures from camp and use this space to share news of exciting activities and camp events with you so that you can share in the magic and joy of camp.

In addition to sharing news, this blog has become a vehicle for those of us who passionately endeavor to bring camp to each of you summer after summer to share our thoughts and reflections on what camp means and why we love it so much.. We are proud to be growing in our fifth summer and acknowledge the incredible team of volunteer staff and our incredible and generous donors and supporters who continue to allow us to offer camp at no charge. We are grateful for the support of the Kidney Foundation, the Citron family in memory of Dr. Ken Citron, Paul Martin & KRG Insurance, The David Foster Foundation, Ben Walker Foundation, and so many friends and families whose donations mean so much. Without them our dream would not be possible.

As school ends and the excitement mounts for time to be outdoors, I cannot help but reflect on what camp meant to me over the years and how this has stuck into my adult life. I recall the first time I went up to sleepaway camp at the age of 7, signed up for 7 weeks....a shyish young girl who loved school and had very little affinity for nature and the outdoors. I remember the trepidation as the bus pulled up that first day at Camp bustling through the dirt road that eventually led to a rustic green paradise on the lake, surrounded by trees and wooden cabins. I recall nervously getting off the bus, with all my belongings in hand.... and being surrounded by a group of grinning, cheering teenagers who literally scooped me up and swept me away into a group of similar aged girls who would go on to become some of my closest life-long friends. Those summers I learned how to throw myself into an icy lake and love it, how to sail, how to make boondoggle bracelets and clay vases, how to canoe and what to do when the boat tips. I learned to love campfires and singsongs and discovered a passion for cheering crazy songs while capturing the flag. I learned that I really did adore rainy days as they allowed my quiet time to talk with my friends and that a camp wide mud fight can actually translate to one of the best days of my childhood life. I learned that it was ok to try new things, to make mistakes, to win and lose, to share and help others. Most of all, camp was a place where I could be free of the humdrum of city life, where I could shed my worries, where we could learn to safely explore our independence, try new foods, new sports, new activities... This is  what camp is all about.

It is magical and can be life changing. It is this magic that we hope to share with your children this summer. We believe that our new camp home at Wenonah -  with its enhanced programming, outstanding leadership team and counsellors, beautiful facilities and health centre, and of course our own awesome committed team of volunteer nurses and staff will make summer 2013 our best one yet. We are thrilled that each of you will be joining us this summer!!!

By now you should have received confirmation and information packages from Camp Wenonah, with detailed information about packing lists, bus departure information, and other important news. If you have any questions or need any information you can log on to the website at or email us Medical questions can be directed to Christina, operational questions to Emily, and funding and publicity questions to Stacey.

Stay tuned for more news and pictures.

Yours in camping,

On behalf of the camp advisory committee and volunteer team

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